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In House Laboratory

Our in-house laboratory allows our vets to run tests efficiently and accurately. From ear cytology to senior blood tests we get fast results that allow us to better diagnose and treat a range of problems.

Skin and Ear Cytology

 - Gives us valuable information about what parasites or bugs might be growing on your pet!

- Often performed during consultation the results tell us what medications will get the best result

Lump Cytology

- We all worry when we find a new lump or bump on our pet

- In many cases a minimally invasive, needle biopsy can give us a cell sample that gives us lots of information about whether the lump is nasty or nice and what options are available for treatment.

Blood Tests

 - Our in house blood tests give us so much information about your pets internal organs and blood cells during sickness and health

- In emergency cases we can have results in as little as 15 minutes, aiding prompt treatment

- We recommend pre-anaesthetic blood tests prior to general anaesthesia and are run on the day of the procedure

- Senior blood tests are very helpful in detecting early signs of disease that come with older age

- Measuring response to treatment is important so we can make any changes required and monitor progression of disease

Urine and Faecal Tests

-  Not the nicest tests for us to run! But vital information about the inside of your pet can be gathered from a urine or poo sample!

- Our team may ask you to bring a sample with you if possible but if you are having trouble we can always help at the hospital.

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